
Trip to Tokyo [東京之旅] (1/27/2013)

Everything got much better this day.


It was a sunny day. We walked to Sensoji from the hotel. There was not much to say about this tourist attraction, as it was not my first time there. All I now remember is we had a good time that day. We ate ramen at a restaurant that offered English/Chinese menus. After that, we found a Starbucks accidentally, so we got in and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine and street view from the window, drinking our coffee. 


Ekimise, one of the landmarks at Asakusa Station [淺草站附近的駅見世是一個地標]

We walked across the Azuma Bridge (吾妻橋) and the Skytree was near. There was a long slide where kids could play. Jody got much better so she joined them.


The long slide near Skytree [晴空塔附近的長溜滑梯]

It was getting dark, and the tower lighted up.


The skyline at Skytree [晴空塔附近的天際線]

The Skytree at night [夜晚的晴空塔]

Solamachi, the market place in the architecture supporting the Skytree [空町是晴空塔底下商店街的名稱]

Souvenirs at a gift shop, national flags of Australia and Taiwan [禮品店的紀念品,澳洲與台灣國旗]

Before buying the tickets to the observation deck, you had to get "time coupons" indicating the time slot when you could buy the tickets. There was probably more than one hour before we could buy the tickets, so we ate dinner at Ippudo (一風堂). And then we joined the long line of people waiting to purchase the observation deck tickets.


Stuffs in exhibition at the place where people were waiting in line for the tickets [排隊買票時可以邊欣賞展示品]

The view of Sumida River from the Observation Deck of Skytree [從晴空塔的瞭望台看隅田川]

It was late, so we took the subway from Oshiage to Kuramae via Asakusa line, and walked back to the hotel.


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