
Trip to Tokyo [東京之旅] (1/30/2013)

The two-day pass was still valid until end of this day. We went to Ginza again. Basically, Ginza is an area centered on Chuo Dori (中央通り) and divided into "Chomes" (丁目). There is an Apple Store at the 3-Chome. There is also a famous stationary store called Itoya (伊東屋) near the Apple Store. 


Ginza 3-Chome [銀座三丁目]

Apple Store at Ginza [銀座蘋果專賣店] 

Itoya at Ginza [銀座伊東屋]

There is a landmark of the origin of Ginza. The story goes like this: In 1612, the Tokugawa Shogunate set up a mint for silver coins here. It was called Ginza-Cho (銀座町) or Shinryougae-Cho (新両替町) then, and renamed to Ginza in the second year of Meiji (1869).


The landmark of the origin of Ginza [銀座發祥之地的地標]

Street view of Ginza [銀座街景]

In November, the 15th year of Meiji (1882), arc lamps were installed in Ginza [明治15年(1882年)11月,銀座設立了弧光燈]

We ate lunch at a restaurant called Rengatei (煉瓦亭), established in the 28th year of Meiji (1895).


The sign board of Rengatei [煉瓦亭的招牌]
Rice with scrambled egg [蛋炒飯]

Photo:  Deep-fried pork [炸豬排]

The lady at the counter said this cash register had been used for 50 years, and was still in service! [收銀機的女士告訴我們這台收銀機已經使用50年了,而且還在繼續使用中。]

After lunch, we took a walk towards the 8-Chome. On the 4-Chome, we saw the famous landmark of Ginza: the Wako building.


The Wako building [和光大廈]

Pedestrians crossing Chuo Dori [中央通上的行人]

A concept car in exhibition at Nissan [日產概念車展]

Nenrinka, a shop specialized in Baumkuchen at Matsusakaya Department Store [在松阪屋百貨的年輪家,專賣年輪蛋糕]

After that we headed for Ochanomizu (御茶ノ水) by the Kanda (神田) River. The JR rail tracks are parallel to the riverbank so the you can see passengers at the platforms on this side of the bridge. We planned to visit three sacred places here:  St. Nicolas Cathedral (ニコライ堂), Kandamyojin (神田明神) Shrine, and Yushima Seido (湯島聖堂) Temple.


Ochanomizu JR Station on the right, Kanda River in the middle with Hijiribashi (聖橋) the arch bridge across it [右邊是御茶之水JR站,中間是神田川,以及橫跨此川之聖橋]

Signs on one end of Hijiribashi [聖橋一端之標示牌]

First we made for St. Nicolas Cathedral, or Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Tokyo (東京復活大聖堂). It's the first Japanese Orthodox Church.

我們先去東京復活大教堂,這是日本第一個東正教的教堂,又稱「尼可萊堂」,紀念聖人尼可萊(Nicolai; 英文為Nicolas)。

St. Nicolas Cathedral [東京復活大教堂]

St. Nicolas Cathedral [東京復活大教堂]

St. Nicolas Cathedral [東京復活大教堂]

The view across the Hijiribashi, JR Station on the left [從聖橋看位於照片左邊的JR車站]

Then we walked across the Sacred Bridge (Hijiribashi) and headed for Kanda Myojin, which is a guardian god of Tokyo.


The Torii (鳥居) of Kanda Myojin [神田明神之鳥居]

The front gate of Kanda Myojin [神田明神正門]

The main structure of Kanda Myojin [神田明神主要建築]

Then we went to the Yushima Seido (a Confucius temple). A very desolate place with far less worshipers than Kanda Myojin. 


Yushima Seido [湯島聖堂]

Some living creature on the roof [屋頂上的動物]

 Some living creature on the roof [屋頂上的動物]

Dachengdian (大成殿) in Chinese is the name for the main structure of a Confucius Temple [孔廟的主建築都叫做大成殿]

The statue of Confucius [孔子像]

A student who wants to pass an exam or a person who wants to succeed is more likely to visit this place [想要考試合格工作順利的人應該會比較想來這裡參拜]

On Hijiribashi, the intersction of JR Line and Marunouchi Line (Tokyo Metro) can be clearly seen [在聖橋上可以看到JR線與東京地鐵丸之內線交錯]

We then went to Tokyo Station. This architecture had just been through the process of renovation, in preparation for the centennial celebration (1914-2014) next year.


Tokyo Station [東京車站]

We had arranged to meet my cousin YT (she was a university student in Tokyo and would be graduating in April 2013) at Yurakucho (有楽町) so we took JR there. We could have walked there but it was too cold outside in the evening.


Bic Camera at Yurakucho, a consumer electronics chain in Japan [有樂町的必苦開麥拉]

We ate dinner with YT at a restaurant called "Jonathan". I finally got my kindle paperwhite which I ordered and sent to her place. After dinner, we parted with YT at the station and took JR back to Shimbashi, from where we walked through the underground tunnels to the hotel.


My Kindle Paperwhite before unwrapping [拆封前的kindle]

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